Sunday, May 4, 2014


So this is an introduction. I don't know what this blog is or will be. I don't know what it will focus on. I don't know how often I'll post. I don't know if this is a good idea.

But here it is.

I should say some things about myself, but I'm not all that interesting. I write, sometimes. (That's why this exists.) I read a lot and listen to a lot of music and have an odd taste in movies. I'm a dad and a husband. I used to have a LiveJournal but no one uses that anymore. But I miss writing stuff there, sometimes. I don't think this will be a substitute. It will be different.

I may delete it tomorrow. Probably not, though. Tomorrow I'll go to work and get wrapped up in stuff that doesn't really interest me only to come home and remember I have a journal. "How about that," I might say. Or I'll make dinner and drink a beer and experience that sinking feeling that another evening is passing by in which I didn't do anything creative. Maybe at that point I'll remember I created a journal. And then I'll argue that writing in a journal isn't creative, it's just me putting off the real creative work because I don't have any good ideas.

Good lord, that didn't come out as intended. Which is the epitaph of every writer, ever.

I'm pretty sure my first two posts after this are going to be poems. They are the first poems I've written in almost two decades. I'm not a good poet. But I've been playing it too safe. I hope this blog doesn't play it safe.

Trail of Stars [trailofstars] has been part of my history as long as the internet. That would make a good post someday. I'll get around to writing it. Maybe. There's a "2" in the URL because apparently trailofstars was taken. Bastards.

Here were the other blog names I rejected:

  • Coffee Mugs I Have Never Used
  • Thoughts For A Journal That Never Was
  • Here It Comes Again Out Of The Rain, It Seems To Have A New Kind Of Same
  • The Great Annihilator
  • Not Clever By Half
  • Well, Hell


  1. Glad to hear your voice again, even with the 2.

  2. I think, just maybe, that you are trailofstars, the first... Sort of like The Prisoner. Who is Number 1? You are (,)Number Six!

    1. Yeah, I'm going to get around to checking that. It was the name of my blogspot blog pre-LJ. I think I deleted it, but I'm not sure.

  3. Wow wow wow wow wow, nope, that it definitely not you. You totally used to have that space though, I remember it! Well. Perhaps it will provide plausible deniability or something.
