Monday, March 7, 2016


What does the wolf see?
The wolf is busy reading Bolano and listening to New Order.

What does the lamp see?
The lamp prefers Bordeaux and finds whiskey disagreeable.

What does the common cold see?
The common cold would remind you that common is not a derogatory term.

What does the bed see?
The bed has the sheets pulled over its eyes and prefers the weight of two over the weight of one.

What does the milk see?
The milk is lonely, everyone it knows has some degree of lactose intolerance.

What does the cat see?
The cat has no need to tell.

What does the air see?
Loneliness and regret, sadness and one-sided conversations.

What does the wolf see?
The wolf is not a wolf. The wolf is over-used. Backwards the wolf is flow.

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