Thursday, September 18, 2014

red eyes

Magic. You want to know about Magic? It can't be defined. It can only be experienced. And when it is, you're changed. Maybe for better, maybe for worse, maybe in ways you can't describe. Changed. Altered. Not the same. 

Alone at home I'm not afraid to dance around like an idiot to songs I love when no one can see me. Sometimes even when they can. Those songs, those are Magic. My daughter gives me a hug. That is love, and love is Magic. Love and Magic might be one and the same. Neither can be defined with this crude tool of language. They cannot be held in by these weak barriers. 

I know folks who believe Magic can happen with the proper rituals. I'm skeptical, I guess. Perhaps for them Magic does happen with careful preparations. But I find that Magic happens when it wants and doesn't really give a crap if you're prepared or not. Magic sometimes wears the guise of Surprise. Magic is a cheeky fucker. A prankster. It laughs at your preparations and laughs when you trip over the cat and kiss the kitchen floor. 

Candles are nice, though. I'll give you that. 

There are almost as many dumb songs about Magic as there are about love. There are a couple of good ones. Art is subjective. Commerce is a headache. Magic can't be caught by the dollar, but sometimes it can be held by a melody. The melody knows its mortality. The dollar thinks it is everything and therefore immortal. 

Oh fuck you, Muse. Don't make me sound philosophical or political, I'm a failure at both. Isn't there a navel around I can pick the lint out of? Feh. There's an insistent beat in my head. There's a voice that won't shut up. In another lifetime I was a schizophrenic. In this one I just hid it better. For someone who spends almost all his time in a relatively small area, I sure dream of travel a lot. Astral travel, anyway. The hippies ruined that one also, but the drugs were good for awhile. They really were!

Astronomers recently found a small galaxy with a supermassive black hole. That's what they call it, a supermassive black hole--and yes, supermassive is one word. I love that phrase. Think about it for a second. We don't even really understand black holes. So a supermassive You go ahead and watch Game of Thrones or the Superbowl or whatever it is you do. The universe has more important matters to attend to. Maybe if you called it the SuperMassive Bowl Hole. Some pornographer probably already thought that one up. 

I've got nothing against Game of Thrones. I'm just not interested. Blame science. Magic sometimes wears the guise of Science. 

Red eyes and candles. Hugs. Life cradled in your arms. So many sides to Magic.

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